Tuesday, May 19, 2009

new job

I resigned the hospital that I worked for five years this march.
Now I'm not a full-time worker...but I started a part-time job last week until I leave Japan on this June.

Now I'm working as a part-time nurse at a nursing home,a company where produces a physical check up and more...
I'd ever been working at only the hospital...so it's a new experience for me.

I'm a temp staff from a temporary employment agency...so I have to go to a different place every time...I feel a big stress every time:(
But I can get a lot of merit than demerit through my part-timr job.
I can catch a glimpse of many field of nursing care!!

...and I'm going to work as a nurse during my stay in cebu.
It's so good opportunity!
but I'm worried that I can work as a nurse in a foreign country...though just do it!

About 3weeks later my departure date is coming...

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

goin' crazy...

Recently I've been listening to music on imeem.
In past days,I used to listen to music on the box..but now I listen on the computer.
So I connected a cable between the computer and the speaker.

I like the song GOIN' CRAZY by Natalie.
It always makes me so sentimental..but it's so romantic and sweet...

Monday, May 4, 2009

London...it's a wonderful place!

I went to London from April 6th to 21th.
My former colleague lives in London..so I stayed at her room during my trip.

In London...everything is fashionable and attractive!
The building is wonderful...and people are also.

I have an impressive memory...
In London, young girls wear a colorful,fashionable and sexy clothes.
They wear the clothes that they want to wear.
For example,a chabby girl wears a cute mini skirt...but it suits her so much.
I think she has a confidence to show herself.
And she is good at showing herself.

When I buy a clothes,I always choose a conservative one.
Because I fear an eyes from friends,family...and even passers.
But at this point, I think it's bit boring...

I have more self confidence!
I want to do the things what only I can do.

I've just decided to wear mini skirt since today!
........no kidding.

Saturday, May 2, 2009


I quit the hospital 2months ago...and now I have no work!
It's so terrible,
But I spend good life everyday.

I don't have enough money, but I have a lot of time.
So I always enjoy "slow life"...

Recenly I've not used a car...I try to walk to go everywhere.
And I like to walk around a park near my house.
When I take a walk, I found new things every time!

And I have a lot of time to listen music...

I often listen to the internet radio "Brandnew-J".
This program was offered by J-WAVE radio station in Japan.
I like this program...I can find a great new music through this program!

Please check J-WAVE!