Saturday, February 21, 2009

traveling all over the world!!

I like to see a map.
Recently I've been interested in Wikimapia.
I can see the aerial photo of all over the world in this site.
This is a minibreak for me.
The world is so big...and I only know the part of the world.
I glimpse the world!

I always dream to travel all over the world by my step...
I want to see everything that I've never seen!

Monday, February 9, 2009


I'm going to move this month.
So I'm packing my household goods.
I've been in my dorm for about 5years!
So there are so many goods in my room...

Recently I haven't bought any groceries..because I'll move.
But I have one's a Japanese food NATTO!
I love a NATTO sooooooooo much!
...If there was no NATTO in the world,I coudn't live probably!
I'm NATTOholic.
there was no NATTO in my refrigerator I decided to buy a NATTO.

I'm going abroad after I quit my work...I'm excited but worried.
Because I can't eat NATTO everyday!
...hmmm, it's a predicament!

Friday, February 6, 2009

The meaning of Waltz for Tessy

I love music.
Especially I like jazz music.
Bill Evans is one of my favorite artist.
So my blog name was inspired from his famous number WALTZ FOR DEBBY.

WALTZ FOR DEBBY was composed for his little niece DEBBY.
This track is so lovely and cute as if child is dancing around!

I don't want to lose the kid in me forever...
And my name TESSY(most of my Japanese friend calls me TESSY!) sounds like DEBBY.
So I named my blog WALTZ FOR TESSY!
I really like its sound!!